Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Cut_Mode_value 4006 Cut_Mode Cut_Mode: Low Cut Mode- Output mode below Low Cut Point, affects Analog Output and Transmitter LCD in SQR mode only. Available mode is LINEAR or ZERO. R/W Enum 16
burnout_current_overscale 4027 Overscale Overscale_Current is able to set in the range from 20.8mA to 21.6mA. R/W Enum 16
burnout_current_underscale 4028 Underscale Underscale_Current is able to set in the range from 3.2mA to 3.8mA. R/W Enum 16
burnout_current_underscale_exp 4035 Underscale Underscale_Current is able to set in the range from 3.2mA to 4.0mA. R/W Enum 16
burnout_current_overscale_exp 4036 Overscale Overscale_Current is able to set in the range from 20.0mA to 22.5mA. R/W Enum 16
saturation_current_lower 4037 Saturate Lo Saturated Low Current is able to set in the range from 3.2mA to 4.0mA. R/W Enum 16
saturation_current_upper 4038 Saturate Hi Saturated High Current is able to set in the range from 20.0mA to 22.5mA. R/W Enum 16
select_spec 4039 Select Spec Select Spec- Select specification of Burnout/Saturation. R/W Enum 16
Amp_Temp_Min 4040 Amp Min Amp Min- Min temperature of the amp. R Float 16
Amp_Temp_Max 4041 Amp Max Amp Max- Max temperature of the amp. R Float 16
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class