Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
HO_RevHART_1 405D HART revision Display the HART protocol revision of the measuring device R Unsigned 128
HO_RevisionHW_1 405E Hardware revision Indication of the hardware revision of the device. R Unsigned 128
HO_RevSW_1 405F Software revision Displays the software revision of the measuring device R Unsigned 128
HO_Tag_1 401A HART short tag Defines short tag for the measuring point. R/W PackedAscii 128
HO_LoopCurrentMode_1 401B HO_LoopCurrentMode_1 R/W Enum 128
HO_ExpandedDeviceType_1 4060 Device type Shows the device type with which the measuring device is registered with the HART Communication Foundation R Unsigned 128
ST1_SensorValue_1 4061 Sensor value Indication of the measured value at the sensor input. R Float 2
ST1_SensorRawValue_1 4062 Sensor raw value Indication of the non linearized mV/Ohm value. R Float 2
ST1_SensorType_1 4033 Sensor type Selection option of the sensor type for the sensor input. R/W Enum 2048
ST1_SensorMinSpan_1 401C ST1_SensorMinSpan_1 R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class