Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
STD_PasswordIsDefined_1 4014 STD_PasswordIsDefined_1 R Enum 2048
STD_PasswordActionChooser_1 4015 STD_PasswordActionChooser_1 R/W Enum 2048
HO_DateCode_1 4016 HART date code Use this function to define date information for individual use. R/W ASCII 128
HO_Descriptor_1 4017 HART descriptor Use this function to define a description for the measuring point. R/W PackedAscii 128
HO_DeviceID_1 405B Device ID Shows the device ID for identifying the device in a HART network R Unsigned 128
HO_Message_1 4018 HART message Enter a HART message R/W PackedAscii 128
HO_MinNrPreambleResp_1 4031 No. of preambles Defines the number o preambles in the HART telegram R/W Unsigned 128
HO_PollingAddress_1 4032 HART address Enter the address via which the data exchange takes place via HART protocol. R/W Unsigned 128
HO_ConfigChanged_1 4019 Configuration changed Indicates whether the configuration of the device has been changed by a master (primary or secondary). R BitEnum 2
HO_RevDevice_1 405C Device revision Display the device revision with which the device is registered with the HART® FieldComm Group. R Unsigned 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class