Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
statusmap_variable_004 | 0996 | Feldgerät hat mehr Statusinformationen | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_005 | 0997 | Feldgerät Kaltstart oder Selbsttest erfolgt, oder Energiezufuhr war unterbrochen | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_006 | 0998 | Konfiguration des Feldgerätes wurde geändert | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_007 | 0999 | Feldgerätfehlfunktion: Gerätefehler oder Ausfall | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_008 | 099A | 041-Sensorbruch erkannt | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_009 | 099B | 042-Sensor korrodiert | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_010 | 099C | 043-Kurzschluss | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_011 | 099D | 047-Sensorlimit erreicht-Sensor 1 | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_012 | 099E | 047-Sensorlimit erreicht-Gerätetemperatur | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
statusmap_variable_013 | 099F | 047-Sensorlimit erreicht-Sensor RJ | Used to map a status condition to a severity level. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |