Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DevTemp_OperatingTime4_1 408D Range: 40...64°C (104°...148°F) Displays the actual length of time in hours (h) that the device was operated in the predefined temperature range. R Unsigned 2
DevTemp_OperatingTime5_1 408E Range: >= 65°C (149°F) Displays the actual length of time in hours (h) that the device was operated in the predefined temperature range. R Unsigned 2
MS_Unit_1 4053 Unit Selection of the unit for all measured values. R/W Enum 2048
MS_MainsFilter_1 401D MS_MainsFilter_1 R/W Enum 2048
MS_UnitDifference_1 4054 MS_UnitDifference_1 R/W Enum 2048
MS_TCDiagnostics_1 401E Thermocouple diagnostic Turn off the 'Sensor corrosion' and 'sensor interrupted' diagnostic functions for TC measurement. R/W Enum 2048
MS_HousingStyle_1 401F MS_HousingStyle_1 R Enum 2048
DS_StaticRevision_1 4020 Configuration counter Shows number of parameter changes for the device R Unsigned 2
DS_AlarmDelay_1 4055 Alarm delay Sets the length of time in seconds that diagnostic messages are suppressed. R/W Unsigned 2048
DS_OperatingTime_1 408F Operating time Indicates how long the device has been in operation R Unsigned 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class