Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DISPLAY_AlternatingTime_1 40C7 Display interval Set time measured values are shown on display if display alternates between values R/W Unsigned 256
DISPLAY_Text2_1 40C8 Display text 2 Enter the displayed text. Maximum text length is 8 characters. R/W ASCII 256
DISPLAY_Text3_1 40C9 Display text 3 Enter the displayed text. Maximum text length is 8 characters. R/W ASCII 256
DISPLAY_ValSelector1_1 40CA Value 1 display Select the measured value that is shown on the local display R/W Enum 256
DISPLAY_DecimalPlaces1_1 40CB Decimal places 1 Select the number of decimal places for the display value R/W Enum 256
DISPLAY_ValSelector2_1 40CC Value 2 display Selection of the measured value that is shown on the local display R/W Enum 256
DISPLAY_DecimalPlaces2_1 40CD Decimal places 2 Select the number of decimal places for the display value R/W Enum 256
DISPLAY_ValSelector3_1 40CE Value 3 display Selection of the measured value that is shown on the local display. R/W Enum 256
DISPLAY_DecimalPlaces3_1 40CF Decimal places 3 Select the number of decimal places for the display value R/W Enum 256
SensAge_SensorTechnology_1 402C Sensor selection Use this function to select the sensor technology of the connected sensor. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class