名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
Out_Value_4_20 401A AO Analog Output Value - Value that tracks the Digital Value representation, und normal operating modes. 浮点 66
Out_Value_Percent 401B PV value in % % 范围——跟踪有关下限值和上限值所定义范围的数值表示的变量,该变量的单位始终为百分数。 浮点 34
Out_Range_Low 400D PV lo range value 下限值——定义模拟值和范围0%点开始的操作端点。此外,下限值还定义与模拟量值关联的报警和与数值表示关联的报警开始的操作端点。 读/写 浮点 34
Out_Range_High 400C PV up range value 上限值——定义模拟值和范围100%点开始的操作端点。此外,上限值还定义与模拟量值关联的报警和与数值表示关联的报警开始的操作端点。 读/写 浮点 34
Out_Mode 402D Analog output Selection of standard operation 4..20 mA (small output signal by small process variables) or inverse operation 20..4 mA (small output signal on higher process variables). 读/写 枚举 2048
Out_Damping 402E Filter time Input for filter, from measurement recording to output. (0 to 60 seconds) 读/写 浮点 2048
Error_Mode 400E Fault condition Select the fault information on sensor fault. When a sensor defect is recognised the transmitter transmits the defined output value. 读/写 枚举 0
Loop_Test 404A Simulation mode Simulation mode is used to change the device's operating mode. OFF for normal measure operation. ON for analog output simulation. The value of analog output can be inserted in the page Simulation value. 读/写 枚举 0
Loop_Test_Value 404B Simulation value Current at the output when simulation is set to ON. (value between 3.58 and 21.7 mA) 读/写 浮点 0
variable_array_index 404D 读/写 索引 4096
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类