名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
PFS_PulseWidth_1 404E Pulse width Define time width of the output pulse 读/写 浮点 512
PFS_StateFailsafeMode_1 404F Failure mode Define output behavior in alarm condition 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_StateMode_1 4026 Switch out funct Select function for switch output 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_StateOutValue_1 4050 Switch status 枚举 2
PFS_StateSimulationMode_1 4051 Switch sim. 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_StateSimulationValue_1 4052 Switch status 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_StateSwitchOffDelay_1 4053 Switch-off delay Define delay for the switch-off of status output 读/写 浮点 512
PFS_StateSwitchOffValue_1 4054 Switch-off value 读/写 浮点 512
PFS_StateSwitchOnDelay_1 4056 Switch-on delay Define delay for the switch-on of status output 读/写 浮点 512
PFS_StateSwitchOnValue_1 4057 Switch-on value 读/写 浮点 512
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类