名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
PFS_OperatingMode_1 4027 Operating mode Define the output as a pulse, frequency or switch output 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_OutSignalInvert_1 4040 Invert outp.sig. Invert the output signal 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_OverallSignalDamping_1 4041 Response time 浮点 512
PFS_PulseFailsafeMode_1 4042 Failure mode Define output behavior in alarm condition 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_PulseInputSelector_1 4043 Assign pulse Select process variable for pulse output 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_PulseMeasuringMode_1 4044 Measuring mode Select measuring mode for pulse output 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_PulseOutValue_1 4045 Pulse output 浮点 2
PFS_PulseSimulationMode_1 4046 Pulse sim. 读/写 枚举 512
PFS_PulseSimulationValue_1 4047 Pulse value 读/写 无符号 512
PFS_PulseValue_1 4048 Value per pulse Enter measured value at which a pulse is output 读/写 浮点 512
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类