Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CDIIP_WebserverAccess_1 4007 WebserverAccess R Unsigned 2048
CDIIP_WebserverLanguage_1 4008 Web server language Set web server language R/W Enum 2048
CDIIP_WebserverLoginPage_1 400A Login page Select format of login page R/W Enum 2048
CDIIP_WebserverOnOff_1 400B Web server functionality Switch web server on and off, switch off HTML R/W Enum 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_1_1 400C A0 Shows the current calibration coefficients for the viscosity R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_2_1 400D A1 Shows the current calibration coefficients for the viscosity R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_3_1 400E A2 Shows the current calibration coefficients for the viscosity R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_4_1 400F A3 Shows the current calibration coefficients for the viscosity R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_5_1 4010 A4 Shows the current calibration coefficients for the viscosity R Float 2048
C4W_Amplitude_ArrayElement_1_1 4011 Oscillation amplitude 0 Shows the relative oscillation amplitude of the sensor in relation to the value at optimum conditions. R Float 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class