Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
open_collector_function 4003 Open coll. func. Defines function of the open collector output R/W Enum 512
limit_switch_on 4012 Limit switch on Limit switch on - flow value for switching on the limit switch R/W Float 1024
limit_switch_off 4013 Limit switch off Limit switch off - flow value for switching off the limit switch R/W Float 1024
home_display 4014 Display mode Display mode - Defines the parameter which will be displayed on the local LC-display R/W Enum 256
flow_totalizer_reset 4015 R/W Integer 16
customer_code 4016 Customer Code Customer Code - Safety code for local access and write protect for HART. R/W Float 32
code_entry 4017 Code Entry Safety code entry field for local access and write protect for HART. Entering correct code disables write protection, entering -1 enables write protection. W Float 32
software_version_main 4018 SW mainboard SW mainboard - Software version of mainboard R ASCII 32
software_version_pre_amp 4019 SW preamplifier SW preamplifier - Software version of preamplifier R ASCII 32
hardware_version_main 401A HW mainboard HV mainboard - Hardware version of mainboard R ASCII 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class