Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
flow_range_status 400E Active Range Range Status - Indicates the active range if in dual range mode. R Enum 34
current_range 400F Current Span Current Span - always 4-20 mA with HART, max. output current can be either 25 mA or 20.5 mA. R/W Enum 64
flow_alarm_type 4010 Alarm Type Analog Output Alarm Type - Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE - The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R/W Enum 64
analog_simulation_select 4011 Analog Sim Analog Simulation - Simulates the specified analog output current. R/W Enum 32
freq_pulse_switch 4003 Freq/Pulse Frequency/Pulse - Controls the operation mode of the frequency and pulse output. Freq: Flow / frequency. Pulse: Volume / pulse. R/W Enum 32
max_pulse_width 4013 1パルス幅 Pulse width - Maximum width of each pulse of the pulse output. R/W Float 512
frequency_full_scale_value 4014 Max Freq Maximum Frequency - Full scale frequency for the upper range limit flow. R/W Integer 512
frequency_upper_range_limit 4015 URV Upper Range Value - Flow value at maximum frequency. R/W Float 512
freq_output_config 4016 Output Output - The frequency/pulse output can generate positive or negative pulses in active (push-pull) or passive (open-collector) mode. R/W Enum 32
freq_alarm_select 4017 FO Alarm Type Frequency output alarm type - Status of frequency/pulse output in error condition. R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class