Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
flow_mode 4036 Meas Mode Meas Mode - Bidirectional or unidirectional flow measurement. R/W Enum 32
flow_direction 4037 Flow dir Flow dir - Flow direction is forward or reverse. R/W Enum 32
ecc_function 4038 Function ECC Function ECC - Electrode Cleaning Circuit on/off. R/W Enum 32
ecc_recovery_time 403A Recovery Time ECC Recovery Time ECC - The signal outputs are held on the last recorded value during a time interval after electrode cleaning has been performed. R/W Integer 32
amplifier_mode 403B Ampl. Mode Ampl. Mode - Amplifier in normal mode (auto-gain) or in fixed gain mode 1 to 4. R/W Enum 32
amplifier_delay 403D Ampl. Delay Ampl. Delay - Amplifier in normal mode (auto-gain) waits a certain number of measuring samples before increasing its gain. R/W Integer 32
sensor_calf_positive 403E Calf pos Calf pos - Sensor calibration factor in forward flow direction. R/W Float 8
sensor_calf_negative 403F Calf neg Calf neg - Sensor calibration factor in reverse flow direction. R/W Float 8
sensor_pipe_zero 4040 Zero point Pipe zero - Deviation of the sensor tube's zero point. R/W Integer 8
flow_tube_diameter 4041 Line size Line size - Nominal diameter of the sensor tube. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class