Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
comp_qty 4024 Compens.Quantity Compensation Quantity - used to compensate an over-/underfilling. R/W Float 32
batch_status 4025 Batching Batching - Starting or stopping of a batch cycle. R/W Enum 1026
batch_time 4026 Max. Batch Time Max. Batch Time - max. allowed filling interval. This safety control function is disabled when the batch time value is set to zero. R/W Integer 32
batch_cycles 4027 Batch Cycle Batch Cycle - number of batching cycles completed. R Float 34
reset_batch_cycles 4028 W Integer 8
totalizer_overflow 4005 Tot ovfl Totalizer overflow - Number of overflows of the totalizer. R Integer 34
flow_totalizer_reset 4029 W Integer 8
display_damping 402A Display Damping Display Damping - time constant of the displayed flow value. R/W Integer 2048
display_format 402B Display Format Display Format - number of significant digits of the flow value showed on the field device's local display. R/W Enum 8
display_contrast 402C LCD Contrast LCD Contrast - Contrast of local Display (0 - 100%). R/W Integer 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class