Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
floatVal0 42A2 FloatVal_X1 R/W Float 4096
BCT_request 4496 BCT_request R/W Unsigned 4096
Device_BCT 4497 Device_BCT R/W Unsigned 4096
HelpDWORD_1 4498 Blocktransfer DWORD(4)_1 R/W Unsigned 4096
port 44B4 R Unsigned 4096
device_channel 44B5 Sensor number R/W Enum 4096
curve_id 44B6 Curve ID R/W Enum 4096
x_min_value 44B7 X minimum value R/W Float 4096
x_max_value 44B8 X maximum value R/W Float 4096
x_dec_value 44B9 X decimation value R/W Float 4096
status_preparation 44BA Preparation status R Unsigned 4096
y_eng_unit 44BC Y engineering unit R/W Enum 4096
block_size 44BD Value Count R Unsigned 4096
trend_state 44BE trend state R Unsigned 4096
transmission_length 44C0 Transmission length R/W Unsigned 4096
number_data_points 44C1 Number of data points R/W Unsigned 4096
compression_state 44C2 Compression state R/W Enum 4096
corr_x_min 44C3 Corrected Xmin Device corrected starting point in engineering unit R/W Float 4096
corr_x_max 44C4 Corrected Xmax Device corrected ending point in engineering unit R/W Float 4096
function_code 44C6 R Unsigned 4096
master_byte_count 44C7 Master Byte Count R Unsigned 4096
device_byte_count 44C8 Device Byte Count R/W Unsigned 4096
HelpFloat_1 44CA Blocktransfer Float_1 R/W Float 4096
number_bytes_message 44DB R Unsigned 4096
progress 44F5 Progress R/W Unsigned 4096
Values_XY_1 44F6 R Unsigned 4096
countPoints 44FE R/W Unsigned 4096
LinXVal 44FF Point 1 X Value R/W Float 4096
LinYVal 4500 Point 1 Y Value R/W Float 4096
LinXMin 4585 R/W Float 4096
LinXMax 4586 R/W Float 4096
LinYMin 4587 R/W Float 4096
LinYMax 4588 R/W Float 4096
dummy_word 459E R/W Unsigned 32
distanceValue 4751 Lvl valu Field Device Variable Value- Digital value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention R Float 4096
distanceUnits 4752 Lvl unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 4096
distanceFamily 4753 Level Dev fmly Device Family- Indicates the family (i.e, pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) that the device variable belongs. R Enum 4096
distanceClassification 4754 Level Class Classification- Indicates the unit code expansion table used for a particular dynamic or device variable. R Enum 4096
distancePDQ 4755 Level PDQ Process Data Quality- Indicates the overall process data quality of the device variable value. R Enum 4096
distanceLS 4756 Level LS Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 4096
distanceStatus 4757 Level Fmly stat Device Family Status- Indicates additional status information on a device variable for a specific device family. R BitEnum 4096
distanceUSL 4758 Lvl USL Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 4096
distanceLSL 4759 Lvl LSL Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 4096
distanceMinimumSpan 475A Lvl min span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 4096
distanceDampingValue 475B Lvl damp Damping Value- Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of the respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 4096
distanceSerialNumber 475C Lvl snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R Unsigned 4096
distanceLowerTrimPoint 475D Level Lower trim Lower Trim Point- Applied process input at which the last lower trim of the device variable was performed. R Float 4096
distanceUpperTrimPoint 475E Level Upper trim Upper Trim Point- Applied process input at which the last upper trim of the device variable was performed. R Float 4096
distanceTrimSupport 475F Level Trim support Trim Points Supported- Indicates the trim points that are supported by the device variable during a trim procedure. R Enum 4096
distanceMinimumLTP 4760 Level Min lower trim Minimum Lower Trim Point- The lowest applied process value that can be used duirng a low trim procedure (ie, no value lower than this will be accepted by the instrument). R Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class