Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pressureMaximumUTP 4015 Pres Max upper trim Maximum Upper Trim Point- The highest applied process value that can be used duirng a high trim procedure (ie, no value higher than this will be accepted by the instrument). R Float 4096
pressureMinimumTrimDiff 4016 Pres Min trim diff Minimum Trim Differential- The minimum acceptable difference between the upper and lower trim points. R Float 4096
AccelerationOfGravity 4035 Acc. of gravity R/W Float 32
AcceptPressureLowerRangeValue 4037 Get LRV Sets lower range value / Reference pressure is present at device R/W Enum 32
AcceptPressureUpperRangeValue 4038 Get URV Sets upper range value / Reference pressure is present at device R/W Enum 32
ActualAlarmInfo_io 4039 Diagnostic code R Enum 2
ActualAlarmInfo0 403A Diagnostic 1 Displays current messages according to their priority R Enum 2
ActualAlarmInfo1 403B Diagnostic 2 Displays current messages according to their priority R Enum 2
ActualAlarmInfo2 403C Diagnostic 3 Displays current messages according to their priority R Enum 2
ActualAlarmInfo3 403D Diagnostic 4 Displays current messages according to their priority R Enum 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class