Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
LastAlarmInfo7 40A3 Last diag. 8 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated R Enum 2
LastAlarmInfo8 40A4 Last diag. 9 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated R Enum 2
LastAlarmInfo9 40A5 Last diag. 10 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated R Enum 2
Level100PercentValueEasy 40A6 Full height Enter the height value for the upper calibration point (tank full) R/W Float 32
LevelAdjustDensityEasy 40A7 Adjust density Enter the density of a fluid / The measured pressure is converted to a height R/W Float 32
LevelAdjustment 4093 Level selection Selection of the level mode R/W Enum 32
LevelAdjustModeEasy 4098 Calibration mode Selection of the calibration mode / Wet or dry calibration R/W Enum 32
LevelAvailable 40A8 Level option Displays the availability of the operating mode level R Enum 32
LevelMeasurementDensityEasy 4033 Process density Enter a new density value for density correction R/W Float 32
LevelOffsetEasy 40A9 Empty height Enter the height value for the lower calibration point (tank empty) R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class