Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
SwitchStatusPressureInversion 40D4 Switch P1/P2 Displays the position of the the pressure side switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SwitchStatusSquareRoot 407E Lin./SQRT switch Displays the position of the hardware switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SWLock 40F5 Operator code Enter a code to lock or unlock operation menu R/W Unsigned 32
TankContentLowerRangeValue 40F6 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
TankContentSimulationValue 40F7 Sim. tank cont. Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
TankContentUpperRangeValue 40F8 Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) R/W Float 32
Temperature1SensorHighLimit 40F9 Tmax SENSOR R Float 32
Temperature1SensorLowLimit 40FA Tmin SENSOR R Float 32
Temperature3Available 40C4 R Enum 32
TemperatureAbsoluteRange 40FB TEMP Abs RANGE R Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class