Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
FlowUpperRangeValue 408D Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) R/W Float 32
FourMaCurrentLimit 408E Set min. current Enter lower current limit / Options: 3.8mA; 4.0mA R/W Enum 32
GenericDeviceType 4052 Device name str. R Enum 32
HartDate 408F HART date Enter the date of the last configuration change R/W PackedAscii 32
HartDescriptor 4090 Descriptor Enter the tag description R/W PackedAscii 32
HartMessage 4091 HART message Enter a message R/W PackedAscii 32
HeightUnitEasy 4092 Height unit Selection of height unit / The measured pressure is converted R/W Enum 32
HighCalOffsetCurrent 4094 Offset trim 20mA Displays the difference between 20mA and the value entered for the CURRENT TRIM 20mA paramter R/W Float 32
HighCalWrittenCurrent 4095 Curr. trim 20mA Enter current value for the upper point of the current output trim line R/W Float 32
HighLevelEasy 4096 Full calib. Enter a level, volume, mass or percentage value for the upper calibration point R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class