名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
LSOperatingMode 407F 枚举 32
LSSimulationMode 40BF 枚举 32
LSTotalizer1Unit 40C0 读/写 枚举 4096
MassFlowUnit 40C1 Mass flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit 读/写 枚举 32
MaxAlarmCurrent 40C2 High alarm curr. Enter current value for maximum alarm current / Input range: 21...23mA 读/写 浮点 32
MaxOutCurrentEasy 40C3 Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) 读/写 浮点 32
MeasuredLevelAfterSimulation 4031 Level before Lin Displays the level value prior to linearisation 浮点 2
MeasuredTankContentAfterSimulation 4032 Tank content Displays the level value after linearisation 浮点 2
MeasuredTemperature1 402D Sensor temp. Displays the temperature currently measured in the sensor / The value can deviate from the process temperature 浮点 2
MeasuredTemperature3 4034 Electronics temp Displays the measured temperature of the main electronics 浮点 2
MeasuredValue 40C5 Measured value 浮点 2
MeasuredValueUnit 40C6 读/写 枚举 32
MinOutCurrentEasy 40C7 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) 读/写 浮点 32
MinSpan 4027 Minimum span 浮点 32
NormFlowUnit 40C8 Norm flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit 读/写 枚举 32
NrOfPreambles 40C9 Preamble number Enter the number of preambles in the HART protocol 读/写 无符号 32
OperatingHoursValue 40CA Operating hours Displays the hours of operation / Can't be reseted 无符号 2
OperatingMode 4036 Measuring mode The opertating menu is structured according to the selected measuring mode 读/写 枚举 32
OutUnitEasy 4099 Output unit Selection of the unit for display and parameter MEASURED VALUE 读/写 枚举 32
PercentUnit 40CC 读/写 枚举 32
PollingAddress 40CD Bus address Enter the address for the exchange of data via HART protocol 读/写 无符号 32
Pressure1AbsoluteRange 40CE PRESSURE ABS RNG 浮点 32
Pressure1AcceptInstallOffset 40CF Pos. input value 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1AcceptZeroInstallOffset 40D0 Pos. zero adjust Gets the acting pressure as offset 读/写 枚举 32
Pressure1AfterCalibration 402B Corrected press. Displays the corrected pressure 浮点 2
Pressure1AfterDamping 402A Pressure af.damp Displays the measured pressure after damping 浮点 2
Pressure1AfterSensor 402C Sensor pressure Displays the measured pressure before sensor trim, position adjustment and damping 浮点 2
Pressure1Damping 4028 Damping value 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1FinalValue 4024 Meas. pressure Displays the measured pressure after sensor recalibration, position adjustment and damping 浮点 2
Pressure1InputInversion 40D3 High press. side 读/写 枚举 32
Pressure1InstallOffset 40D5 Calib. offset Position adjustment / Sets the zero point to zero 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1InstallOffsetAbs 40D6 Calib. offset Position adjustment / Sets the zero point to zero 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1LowerCalMeasured 40D7 Lo trim measured Displays the pressure present during the calibration of the device for the lower cal. point 浮点 32
Pressure1LowerCalWritten 4026 Lo trim sensor Sets the acting pressure for the lower calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1MaxResetable 40D8 Max. meas.press. Displays the largest measured pressure value / For reset press RESET PEAKHOLD 浮点 2
Pressure1MinResetable 40D9 Min. meas.press. Displays the smallest measured pressure value / For reset press RESET PEAKHOLD 浮点 2
Pressure1SensorHighLimit 40DA URL sensor Displays the upper measuring limit of the sensor 浮点 32
Pressure1SensorLowLimit 40DB LRL sensor Display s the lower measuring limit of the sensor 浮点 32
Pressure1SimulationValue 40DC Sim. pressure Enter simulation value 读/写 浮点 32
Pressure1Unit 40DD Press. eng. unit Selection of the pressure unit 读/写 枚举 32
Pressure1UpperCalMeasured 40DE Hi trim measured Displays the pressure present during the calibration of the device for the upper cal. point 浮点 32
Pressure1UpperCalWritten 4025 Hi trim sensor Sets the acting pressure for the upper calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
PressureLowerRangeValue 40DF Set LRV Sets lower range value without reference pressure 读/写 浮点 32
PressureUpperRangeValue 40E0 Set URV Sets upper range value without reference pressure 读/写 浮点 32
PrimaryVariable 40E1 Primary value Displays the primary value 浮点 2
PrimaryVariableCode 40E2 Primary value is Displays the measured value depending on the measuring mode selected 枚举 32
PrimaryVariableUnit 40E3 PV unit 枚举 32
QuaternaryVariable 40E4 4th value Displays the fourth process value 浮点 2
QuaternaryVariableCode 40E5 4th value is Selection of the fourth process value 枚举 32
QuaternaryVariableUnit 40E6 QV unit 枚举 32
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类