名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
AlarmSimulationValue 4054 Sim. error no. Enter failure number for simulation 读/写 无符号 32
AutoDensityAdjustment 4056 Auto dens. corr. Selection of the mode for density compensation 读/写 枚举 32
AutomaticMainLineFormat 4057 Format 1st value Specifies the number of decimal places for the value displayed in the main line 读/写 枚举 32
BurstCommand 4059 Burst option Specifies which command is sent to the master 读/写 枚举 32
BurstMode 405A Burst mode Enables and disables the ''Burst mode'' function 读/写 枚举 32
ComInputFormat 405B HART input form. Displays the format of the data incoming via HART protocol 读/写 枚举 32
ComInputStatus 405C HART input stat. Displays the status of the data incoming via HART protocol 枚举 2
ComInputUnit 405D HART input unit Displays the unit of the data incoming via HART protocol 枚举 32
ComInputValue 405E HART input value Input value for processing two HART variables to one output value 浮点 2
ConfigurationCounter 405F Config. counter Displays the configuration counter 无符号 2
CorrectedMeasurementDensity 4060 Process density 浮点 2
CreepFlowSuppressionOffThreshold 4061 Set.l.fl.cut-off Enter a switch-off point for low flow cut-off 读/写 浮点 32
CurrentSimulationValue 4062 Sim. current Enter simulation value 读/写 浮点 32
CurrentUnit 4063 枚举 32
CurrentValue 4064 Output current Displays the actual current value 浮点 2
DensityUnitEasy 4065 Density unit Selection of the density unit / The measured pressure is converted to a height 读/写 枚举 32
DeviceManufacturerId 4066 Manufacturer ID Displays the manufacturer number in a decimal numerical format 无符号 32
DeviceNameString 4067 Device name str. ASCII 32
DeviceOrderCode 4068 Ext. order code Displays the device designation and the order code 读/写 ASCII 32
DeviceOrderIdent 4069 Order identifier Displays the order ident 读/写 ASCII 32
DeviceRevision 406A Device revision Displays the device revision 无符号 32
DeviceSerialNumber 406B Serial number Displays the serial number of the device 读/写 ASCII 32
DeviceStatus 406C Status 枚举 3
DeviceType 406D Device type code 无符号 32
DeviceTypeCerabarM 406E Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format 无符号 32
DeviceTypeDeltabarM 406F Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format 无符号 32
DeviceTypeDeltapilotM 4070 Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format 无符号 32
DeviceTypeWaterpilotM 4071 Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format 无符号 32
DirectAccess 4072 Direct access Enter a display id-number for direct access 读/写 无符号 32
DisplayContrast 4073 Display contrast Adjusts the contrast of on-site display 读/写 无符号 32
DisplayLanguage 4074 Language Selection of the menu language for the on-site display 读/写 枚举 32
DisplayMainline1Content 4075 Display mode Specifies the contents for the main line of the on-site display in the measuring mode 读/写 枚举 32
DisplayMainline2Content 4076 Add. disp. value Specifies the contents for the alternating line of the on-site display in the measuring mode 读/写 枚举 32
DisplayMainlineFormat 4077 Format 1st value 枚举 2
DownloadOverwriteSelection 4078 Download select. Selection of the download function from HistoROM to device 读/写 枚举 32
DynamicDisplayLanguage 4079 Language Selection of the menu language for the on-site display 读/写 枚举 32
DynamicDisplayMainline2Content 407B Add. disp. value Specifies the contents for the alternating line of the on-site display in the measuring mode 读/写 枚举 32
DynamicOperatingMode 407D Measuring mode The opertating menu is structured according to the selected measuring mode 读/写 枚举 2
ElectricDeltaPConstant 4080 Fixed ext. value 读/写 浮点 32
ElectricDeltaPControl 4081 Electr. delta P Enables and disables the ''Electrical deltaP'' function 读/写 枚举 32
ElectronicSerialNumber 4082 Electr.serial no Displays the serial number of the sensor 压缩文本 32
ENPVersion 4083 ENP version Displays the version of the electronic nameplate ASCII 32
FlowAfterSuppression 402E Flow Displays the current flow / Depending on the flow mode selected 浮点 2
FlowLowerRangeValue 4084 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) 读/写 浮点 32
FlowMax 4086 Max. flow Enter maximum flow of primary element 读/写 浮点 32
FlowMaxPressure 4087 Max. press. flow Enter maximum pressure of primary element 读/写 浮点 32
FlowMode 4085 Linear/Sqroot Specifies the current signal for the ''Flow'' measuring mode 读/写 枚举 2
FlowSimulationValue 4089 Sim. flow Enter simulation value 读/写 浮点 32
FlowType 408A Flow-meas. type Selection of the flow type 读/写 枚举 32
FlowUnit 408C Flow unit 读/写 枚举 32
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类