Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CorrectedMeasurementDensity 4060 Process density R Float 2
CreepFlowSuppressionOffThreshold 4061 Set.l.fl.cut-off Enter a switch-off point for low flow cut-off R/W Float 32
CurrentSimulationValue 4062 Sim. current Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
CurrentUnit 4063 R Enum 32
CurrentValue 4064 Output current Displays the actual current value R Float 2
DensityUnitEasy 4065 Density unit Selection of the density unit / The measured pressure is converted to a height R/W Enum 32
DeviceManufacturerId 4066 Manufacturer ID Displays the manufacturer number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DeviceNameString 4067 Device name str. R ASCII 32
DeviceOrderCode 4068 Ext. order code Displays the device designation and the order code R/W ASCII 32
DeviceOrderIdent 4069 Order identifier Displays the order ident R/W ASCII 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class