Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ReadOnlyHighLevelPressureEasy 40E7 Full pressure Enter the pressure value for the upper calibration point R Float 32
SemiAutoLinearizationTableXValue 40E8 X-val: X-Value of linenumber / The hydrostatic pressure present is displayed and saved by confirming the Y-value R Float 2
ResetAlarmHistory 40E9 Reset logbook Resets message of LAST DIAG. CODE parameter R/W Enum 32
ResetInputValue 40EA Enter reset code Resets parameters completely or partially to factory values or delivery status R/W Unsigned 32
ResetTransmitterObservation 40EB Reset peakhold This parameter lists all peak hold indicator parameters that can be reset. Select the one you want to reset R/W Enum 32
SecondaryVariable 40EC Secondary value Displays the second process value R Float 2
SecondaryVariableCode 40ED Secondary val.is Selection of the second process value R Enum 32
SecondaryVariableUnit 40EE SV unit R Enum 32
SecondUnit 40EF R Enum 32
SensorMeasurementType 40D1 SENSOR MEAS.TYPE R Enum 32
SensorSerialNumber 4029 Sensor serial no Displays the serial number of the sensor R PackedAscii 32
SimulationMode 4055 Simulation mode Selection of the simulation type and enables the simulation R/W Enum 32
SoftwareRevision 40F0 Firmware version Displays the software version R PackedAscii 32
SpoofHartVersion 40F1 Hart version R Unsigned 32
StandardFlowUnit 40F2 Std. flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit R/W Enum 32
StartCurrent 40F3 Startcurrent Selection of the desired start current R/W Enum 32
StatusLocking 4000 Lock state R Enum 2
SwitchStatusAlarmCurrent 4053 Alarm cur.switch Displays the position of the alarm current switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SwitchStatusDamping 40D2 Damping switch Displays the position of the damping switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SwitchStatusHWLock 40F4 Lock switch Displays the position of the hw-lock switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SwitchStatusPressureInversion 40D4 Switch P1/P2 Displays the position of the the pressure side switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SwitchStatusSquareRoot 407E Lin./SQRT switch Displays the position of the hardware switch on the main electronics R Enum 2
SWLock 40F5 Operator code Enter a code to lock or unlock operation menu R/W Unsigned 32
TankContentLowerRangeValue 40F6 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
TankContentSimulationValue 40F7 Sim. tank cont. Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
TankContentUpperRangeValue 40F8 Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) R/W Float 32
Temperature1SensorHighLimit 40F9 Tmax SENSOR R Float 32
Temperature1SensorLowLimit 40FA Tmin SENSOR R Float 32
Temperature3Available 40C4 R Enum 32
TemperatureAbsoluteRange 40FB TEMP Abs RANGE R Float 32
TemperatureUnit 40FC Temp. eng. unit Selection of the unit for the temperature measured value R/W Enum 32
TertiaryVariable 40FD Third value Displays the third process value R Float 2
TertiaryVariableCode 40FE Third value is Selection of the third process value R Enum 32
TertiaryVariableUnit 40FF TV unit R Enum 32
Totalizer1FailSafeMode 4100 Total.1 failsafe Fail-safe mode of the totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1Float 4101 Totalizer 1 R Float 2
Totalizer1MassUnit 4102 Eng.unit total.1 Selection of the unit for totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1Mode 4103 Totalizer 1 mode governs the behavior of the totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1NormVolumeUnit 4104 Eng.unit total.1 Selection of the unit for totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1Reset 4105 Reset totalizer1 Resets totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1StandardVolumeUnit 4106 Eng.unit total.1 Selection of the unit for totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1StringOverflow 4107 Total.1 overflow Displays the overflow value of totalizer 1 R PackedAscii 2
Totalizer1StringValue 402F Totalizer 1 Displays the overflow value of totalizer 1 R PackedAscii 2
Totalizer1Unit 4108 Eng.unit total.1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer1VolumeUnit 4109 Eng.unit total.1 Selection of the unit for totalizer 1 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer2FailSafeMode 410A Total.2 failsafe Fail-safe mode of the totalizer 2 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer2Float 410B Totalizer 2 R Float 2
Totalizer2MassUnit 410C Eng.unit total.2 Selection of the unit for totalizer 2 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer2Mode 410D Totalizer 2 mode governs the behavior of the totalizer 2 R/W Enum 32
Totalizer2NormVolumeUnit 410E Eng.unit total.2 Selection of the unit for totalizer 2 R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class