Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
LSOperatingMode 407F R Enum 32
LSSimulationMode 40BF R Enum 32
LSTotalizer1Unit 40C0 R/W Enum 4096
MassFlowUnit 40C1 Mass flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit R/W Enum 32
MaxAlarmCurrent 40C2 High alarm curr. Enter current value for maximum alarm current / Input range: 21...23mA R/W Float 32
MaxOutCurrentEasy 40C3 Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) R/W Float 32
MeasuredLevelAfterSimulation 4031 Level before Lin Displays the level value prior to linearisation R Float 2
MeasuredTankContentAfterSimulation 4032 Tank content Displays the level value after linearisation R Float 2
MeasuredTemperature1 402D Sensor temp. Displays the temperature currently measured in the sensor / The value can deviate from the process temperature R Float 2
MeasuredTemperature3 4034 Electronics temp Displays the measured temperature of the main electronics R Float 2
MeasuredValue 40C5 Measured value R Float 2
MeasuredValueUnit 40C6 R/W Enum 32
MinOutCurrentEasy 40C7 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
MinSpan 4027 Minimum span R Float 32
NormFlowUnit 40C8 Norm flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit R/W Enum 32
NrOfPreambles 40C9 Preamble number Enter the number of preambles in the HART protocol R/W Unsigned 32
OperatingHoursValue 40CA Operating hours Displays the hours of operation / Can't be reseted R Unsigned 2
OperatingMode 4036 Measuring mode The opertating menu is structured according to the selected measuring mode R/W Enum 32
OutUnitEasy 4099 Output unit Selection of the unit for display and parameter MEASURED VALUE R/W Enum 32
PercentUnit 40CC R/W Enum 32
PollingAddress 40CD Bus address Enter the address for the exchange of data via HART protocol R/W Unsigned 32
Pressure1AbsoluteRange 40CE PRESSURE ABS RNG R Float 32
Pressure1AcceptInstallOffset 40CF Pos. input value R/W Float 32
Pressure1AcceptZeroInstallOffset 40D0 Pos. zero adjust Gets the acting pressure as offset R/W Enum 32
Pressure1AfterCalibration 402B Corrected press. Displays the corrected pressure R Float 2
Pressure1AfterDamping 402A Pressure af.damp Displays the measured pressure after damping R Float 2
Pressure1AfterSensor 402C Sensor pressure Displays the measured pressure before sensor trim, position adjustment and damping R Float 2
Pressure1Damping 4028 Damping value R/W Float 32
Pressure1FinalValue 4024 Meas. pressure Displays the measured pressure after sensor recalibration, position adjustment and damping R Float 2
Pressure1InputInversion 40D3 High press. side R/W Enum 32
Pressure1InstallOffset 40D5 Calib. offset Position adjustment / Sets the zero point to zero R/W Float 32
Pressure1InstallOffsetAbs 40D6 Calib. offset Position adjustment / Sets the zero point to zero R/W Float 32
Pressure1LowerCalMeasured 40D7 Lo trim measured Displays the pressure present during the calibration of the device for the lower cal. point R Float 32
Pressure1LowerCalWritten 4026 Lo trim sensor Sets the acting pressure for the lower calibration point R/W Float 32
Pressure1MaxResetable 40D8 Max. meas.press. Displays the largest measured pressure value / For reset press RESET PEAKHOLD R Float 2
Pressure1MinResetable 40D9 Min. meas.press. Displays the smallest measured pressure value / For reset press RESET PEAKHOLD R Float 2
Pressure1SensorHighLimit 40DA URL sensor Displays the upper measuring limit of the sensor R Float 32
Pressure1SensorLowLimit 40DB LRL sensor Display s the lower measuring limit of the sensor R Float 32
Pressure1SimulationValue 40DC Sim. pressure Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
Pressure1Unit 40DD Press. eng. unit Selection of the pressure unit R/W Enum 32
Pressure1UpperCalMeasured 40DE Hi trim measured Displays the pressure present during the calibration of the device for the upper cal. point R Float 32
Pressure1UpperCalWritten 4025 Hi trim sensor Sets the acting pressure for the upper calibration point R/W Float 32
PressureLowerRangeValue 40DF Set LRV Sets lower range value without reference pressure R/W Float 32
PressureUpperRangeValue 40E0 Set URV Sets upper range value without reference pressure R/W Float 32
PrimaryVariable 40E1 Primary value Displays the primary value R Float 2
PrimaryVariableCode 40E2 Primary value is Displays the measured value depending on the measuring mode selected R Enum 32
PrimaryVariableUnit 40E3 PV unit R Enum 32
QuaternaryVariable 40E4 4th value Displays the fourth process value R Float 2
QuaternaryVariableCode 40E5 4th value is Selection of the fourth process value R Enum 32
QuaternaryVariableUnit 40E6 QV unit R Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class