Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ReadOnlyHighLevelPressureEasy 40E7 Full pressure Enter the pressure value for the upper calibration point R Float 32
SemiAutoLinearizationTableXValue 40E8 X-val: X-Value of linenumber / The hydrostatic pressure present is displayed and saved by confirming the Y-value R Float 2
ResetAlarmHistory 40E9 Reset logbook Resets message of LAST DIAG. CODE parameter R/W Enum 32
ResetInputValue 40EA Enter reset code Resets parameters completely or partially to factory values or delivery status R/W Unsigned 32
ResetTransmitterObservation 40EB Reset peakhold This parameter lists all peak hold indicator parameters that can be reset. Select the one you want to reset R/W Enum 32
SecondaryVariable 40EC Secondary value Displays the second process value R Float 2
SecondaryVariableCode 40ED Secondary val.is Selection of the second process value R Enum 32
SecondaryVariableUnit 40EE SV unit R Enum 32
SecondUnit 40EF R Enum 32
SensorMeasurementType 40D1 SENSOR MEAS.TYPE R Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class