Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
AlarmSimulationValue 4054 Sim. error no. Enter failure number for simulation R/W Unsigned 32
AutoDensityAdjustment 4056 Auto dens. corr. Selection of the mode for density compensation R/W Enum 32
AutomaticMainLineFormat 4057 Format 1st value Specifies the number of decimal places for the value displayed in the main line R/W Enum 32
BurstCommand 4059 Burst option Specifies which command is sent to the master R/W Enum 32
BurstMode 405A Burst mode Enables and disables the ''Burst mode'' function R/W Enum 32
ComInputFormat 405B HART input form. Displays the format of the data incoming via HART protocol R/W Enum 32
ComInputStatus 405C HART input stat. Displays the status of the data incoming via HART protocol R Enum 2
ComInputUnit 405D HART input unit Displays the unit of the data incoming via HART protocol R Enum 32
ComInputValue 405E HART input value Input value for processing two HART variables to one output value R Float 2
ConfigurationCounter 405F Config. counter Displays the configuration counter R Unsigned 2
CorrectedMeasurementDensity 4060 Process density R Float 2
CreepFlowSuppressionOffThreshold 4061 Set.l.fl.cut-off Enter a switch-off point for low flow cut-off R/W Float 32
CurrentSimulationValue 4062 Sim. current Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
CurrentUnit 4063 R Enum 32
CurrentValue 4064 Output current Displays the actual current value R Float 2
DensityUnitEasy 4065 Density unit Selection of the density unit / The measured pressure is converted to a height R/W Enum 32
DeviceManufacturerId 4066 Manufacturer ID Displays the manufacturer number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DeviceNameString 4067 Device name str. R ASCII 32
DeviceOrderCode 4068 Ext. order code Displays the device designation and the order code R/W ASCII 32
DeviceOrderIdent 4069 Order identifier Displays the order ident R/W ASCII 32
DeviceRevision 406A Device revision Displays the device revision R Unsigned 32
DeviceSerialNumber 406B Serial number Displays the serial number of the device R/W ASCII 32
DeviceStatus 406C Status R Enum 3
DeviceType 406D Device type code R Unsigned 32
DeviceTypeCerabarM 406E Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DeviceTypeDeltabarM 406F Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DeviceTypeDeltapilotM 4070 Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DeviceTypeWaterpilotM 4071 Device type code Display the device identification number in a decimal numerical format R Unsigned 32
DirectAccess 4072 Direct access Enter a display id-number for direct access R/W Unsigned 32
DisplayContrast 4073 Display contrast Adjusts the contrast of on-site display R/W Unsigned 32
DisplayLanguage 4074 Language Selection of the menu language for the on-site display R/W Enum 32
DisplayMainline1Content 4075 Display mode Specifies the contents for the main line of the on-site display in the measuring mode R/W Enum 32
DisplayMainline2Content 4076 Add. disp. value Specifies the contents for the alternating line of the on-site display in the measuring mode R/W Enum 32
DisplayMainlineFormat 4077 Format 1st value R Enum 2
DownloadOverwriteSelection 4078 Download select. Selection of the download function from HistoROM to device R/W Enum 32
DynamicDisplayLanguage 4079 Language Selection of the menu language for the on-site display R/W Enum 32
DynamicDisplayMainline2Content 407B Add. disp. value Specifies the contents for the alternating line of the on-site display in the measuring mode R/W Enum 32
DynamicOperatingMode 407D Measuring mode The opertating menu is structured according to the selected measuring mode R/W Enum 2
ElectricDeltaPConstant 4080 Fixed ext. value R/W Float 32
ElectricDeltaPControl 4081 Electr. delta P Enables and disables the ''Electrical deltaP'' function R/W Enum 32
ElectronicSerialNumber 4082 Electr.serial no Displays the serial number of the sensor R PackedAscii 32
ENPVersion 4083 ENP version Displays the version of the electronic nameplate R ASCII 32
FlowAfterSuppression 402E Flow Displays the current flow / Depending on the flow mode selected R Float 2
FlowLowerRangeValue 4084 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
FlowMax 4086 Max. flow Enter maximum flow of primary element R/W Float 32
FlowMaxPressure 4087 Max. press. flow Enter maximum pressure of primary element R/W Float 32
FlowMode 4085 Linear/Sqroot Specifies the current signal for the ''Flow'' measuring mode R/W Enum 2
FlowSimulationValue 4089 Sim. flow Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
FlowType 408A Flow-meas. type Selection of the flow type R/W Enum 32
FlowUnit 408C Flow unit R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class