Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
MeasuredValue 40C5 Measured value R Float 2
MeasuredValueUnit 40C6 R/W Enum 32
MinOutCurrentEasy 40C7 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
MinSpan 4027 Minimum span R Float 32
NormFlowUnit 40C8 Norm flow unit Selection of the volume flow unit R/W Enum 32
NrOfPreambles 40C9 Preamble number Enter the number of preambles in the HART protocol R/W Unsigned 32
OperatingHoursValue 40CA Operating hours Displays the hours of operation / Can't be reseted R Unsigned 2
OperatingMode 4036 Measuring mode The opertating menu is structured according to the selected measuring mode R/W Enum 32
OutUnitEasy 4099 Output unit Selection of the unit for display and parameter MEASURED VALUE R/W Enum 32
PercentUnit 40CC R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class