Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
LongTag 40B7 Device tag Enter a tag number R/W ASCII 32
LoopCurrentMode 40B8 Current mode Enables and disables the ''Multidropmode'' R/W Enum 32
LowCalOffsetCurrent 40B9 Offset trim 4mA Displays the difference between 4mA and the value entered for the CURRENT TRIM 4mA parameter R/W Float 32
LowCalWrittenCurrent 40BA Curr. trim 4mA Enter current value for the lower point of the current output trim line R/W Float 32
LowerRangeValue 40BB Set LRV R/W Float 32
LowLevelEasy 40BC Empty calib. Enter a level, volume, mass or percentage value for the lower calibration point R/W Float 32
LowLevelEasyWet 40BD Empty calib. Enter level value for the lower calibration point (tank empty) R/W Float 32
LowLevelPressureEasy 40BE Empty pressure Enter the pressure value for the lower calibration point R/W Float 32
LSDisplayLanguage 407A R Enum 32
LSDisplayMainline2Content 407C R Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class