Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ElectronicSerialNumber 4082 Electr.serial no Displays the serial number of the sensor R PackedAscii 32
ENPVersion 4083 ENP version Displays the version of the electronic nameplate R ASCII 32
FlowAfterSuppression 402E Flow Displays the current flow / Depending on the flow mode selected R Float 2
FlowLowerRangeValue 4084 Set LRV Enter a flow / pressure value for the lower current value (4mA) R/W Float 32
FlowMax 4086 Max. flow Enter maximum flow of primary element R/W Float 32
FlowMaxPressure 4087 Max. press. flow Enter maximum pressure of primary element R/W Float 32
FlowMode 4085 Linear/Sqroot Specifies the current signal for the ''Flow'' measuring mode R/W Enum 2
FlowSimulationValue 4089 Sim. flow Enter simulation value R/W Float 32
FlowType 408A Flow-meas. type Selection of the flow type R/W Enum 32
FlowUnit 408C Flow unit R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class