名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
HO_LocationMethode_1 404D Location method 读/写 枚举 128
HO_LockCode_1 404E Locking status 读/写 无符号 128
HO_Longitude_1 404F Longitude 读/写 浮点 128
HO_LongTag_1 4050 Device tag Enter a unique name for the measuring point to identify the device quickly within the plant. 读/写 ASCII 128
HO_Message_1 4051 HART message Use this function to define a HART message which is sent via the HART protocol when requested by the master. Maximum length: 32 characters Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, certain special characters 读/写 ASCII 128
HO_MinNrPreambleResp_1 4052 No. of preambles Defines the number of preambles in the HART telegram 读/写 无符号 128
HO_PercentOfRange_1 4053 Percent of range Shows the value of the primary variable (PV) as a percentage of the defined 0% to 100% range. 浮点 2
HO_PollingAddress_1 4054 HART address Enter adress for the data exchange via HART protocol 读/写 无符号 128
HO_ProcessUnitTag_1 4055 Process Unit Tag 读/写 ASCII 128
HO_PVassign_1 4056 Assign PV Identifies the process variable linked with the primary variable. Primary variable is used in HART as current output. 读/写 无符号 128
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类