Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
HO_RevSW_1 406C Software revision Shows software revision of the measuring device R Unsigned 128
HO_SvAssign_1 406D Assign SV Second HART variable (Secondary Variable) R/W Unsigned 128
HO_SVSelector_1 406E Assign SV Assign measured variable to the second dynamic variable (SV). This value can only be output via the HART interface. R/W Enum 128
HO_SvValue_1 406F Secondary variable (SV) Shows the current measured value of the secondary dynamic variable (SV) R Float 2
Unit_Variable_HO_SvValue_1 4070 R Enum 2048
HO_Tag_1 4073 HART short tag Defines the short tag for the measuring point. Maximum length: 8 characters Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, certain special characters R/W ASCII 128
HO_TvAssign_1 4074 Assign TV Third HART variable (Tertiary Variable) R/W Unsigned 128
HO_TVSelector_1 4075 Assign TV R/W Enum 128
HO_TvValue_1 4076 Tertiary variable (TV) Shows the current measured value of the tertiary (third) dynamic variable (TV) R Float 2
Unit_Variable_HO_TvValue_1 4077 R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class