Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
SnsrSignalGainMaximumUTP 412D Signal Gain Max upper trim Maximum Upper Trim Point- The highest applied process value that can be used duirng a high trim procedure (ie, no value higher than this will be accepted by the instrument). R Float 0
SnsrSignalGainMinimumTrimDiff 412E Signal Gain Min trim diff Minimum Trim Differential- The minimum acceptable difference between the upper and lower trim points. R Float 0
ModbusDisplayCode 405C Port Select Selects port number R/W Enum 4096
DVDisplayCode 4136 Device Varbl Select Selects Device Variable R/W Enum 4096
AlarmDisplayCode 4137 Sensor Alarm Limit Selects sensor for alarm menu functions R/W Enum 4096
RelayDisplayCode 408E Relay Select Selects relay for menu functions R/W Enum 4096
AOTestCurrent 4138 Test Curnt Analog Output Test Current R/W Float 8
RlyLatchDisplay 4139 Rly Latch Relay Latch Setting R/W Enum 4096
RlyNormalDisplay 413A Normal State Relay Normal State R/W Enum 4096
RlyDelayDisplay 413B Delay Operate Relay Delay Operate R/W Unsigned 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class