Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
tertiary_variable_code 0FD2 TV ist Dritter Index im dynamischen Variablen Array- Index der dritten dynamischen Variable in einer Liste, der anzeigt welche dynamische Variable eines Feldgerätes als dritte dynamische Variable eingetragen wurde R/W Index 128
quaternary_variable_code 1082 QV is Quarternär Index im der Liste der dynamischer Variablen- Ein Variablencode, der bestimmt welche dynamische Variable eines Feldgerätes als Quarternär dynamische Variable fungiert R/W Index 128
ACK_count 11DB ACK Count Count of ACK messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
analog_channel_number_code 105D Analog Channel Number Analog Channel Number- Index into an array of Analog Channels. R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code_1 105E Index 1 into Analog Channel Array Index into Analog Channel Array- Is the first of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Channel Code. R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code_2 105F Index 2 into Analog Channel Array Index into Analog Channel Array- Is the second of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Channel Code. R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code_3 1060 Index 3 into Analog Channel Array Index into Analog Channel Array- Is the third of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Channel Code. R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code_4 1061 Index 4 into Analog Channel Array Index into Analog Channel Array- Is the fourth of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Channel Code. R/W Index 4096
BACK_count 11DC BACK Count Count of BACK messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
STX_count 11DA STX Count Count of STX messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class