Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
NVMucTNumber 4002 TNumber R/W Enum 2048
NVMucADFrequency 4003 Line Freq & Filter Indicates the power line frequency selected. R/W Enum 8
NVMfSmoothingTime 4004 Smart Smoothing R/W Float 8
NVMulSmoothingDeadband 4005 Deadband Smart Smoothing Deadband R/W Unsigned 8
NVMucValidationCount 4006 Validation Count Validation Count can be between 0 and 100. R/W Unsigned 8
NVMucLanguage 4007 Display Language The language used by the local display. R/W Enum 32
sensor_type 400A Sensor Type R/W Enum 2048
sensor_subtype 400B Sensor SubType Defines the sensor sub type. R/W Enum 8
NVMucSensorDualRTD 4001 RTD2 R/W Enum 2048
NVMucFailConfig 400C Failure Detect Switches the failure detection system on or off. If switched off, the analog output will notreact to a failure. R/W Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class