名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
vAlarm1Tripped 4158 A1 Status Inidcates whether the conditions met to activate Alarm 1. The Alarm 1 relay may not be active if the alarm was acknowledged or disabled 读/写 枚举 14
vErrorRelayActive 4159 ErrorRelay \"On\" when the Error relay is energized 枚举 14
vAlarm2Active 415A A2 Relay \"On\" when the Alarm 2 relay is energized 枚举 14
vAlarm1Active 415B A1 Relay \"On\" when the Alarm 1 relay is energized 枚举 14
alarm_bits 415C status No Help 位枚举 2051
vForceRelayStatus 4161 无符号 4096
vResetRelay 4162 无符号 4096
vExitRelay 4163 无符号 4096
vEnterRelay 4164 无符号 4096
vAccessDenied 4165 无符号 4096
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类