Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
vA1Ack 413F Alarm1 acknowledgable Indicates whether Alarm1 can be reset by the operator acknowledging it. R/W Enum 8
vA1Latch 4140 Alarm1 latching Indicates whether Alarm1 stays tripped until reset by the operator acknowledging it. R/W Enum 8
vA2Level 4147 Alarm2 Level Indicates the reading where Alarm2 is tripped R/W Float 8
vA2Band 4148 Alarm2 Hysteresis Indicates the Hysteresis associated with Alarm2.Once a Rising Alarm is tripped is will not reset until the reading is less then (Alarm2 Level - Hysteresis) R/W Float 8
vA2Rising 4149 Alarm2 Direction If Rising, Alarm2 is tripped when the reading exceeds the Alarm2 Level R/W Enum 8
vA2Ack 414A Alarm2 acknowledgable Indicates whether Alarm2 can be reset by the operator acknowledging it. R/W Enum 8
vA2Latch 414B Alarm2 latching Indicates whether Alarm2 stays tripped until reset by the operator acknowledging it. R/W Enum 8
vAlmAckEnabled 4045 Ackn. By Enter Key Indicates whether alarms can be acknowledged by the Enter Key R/W Enum 8
vAlarmAck 4156 W Unsigned 4096
vAlarm2Tripped 4157 A2 Status Inidcates whether the conditions met to activate Alarm 2. The Alarm 2 relay may not be active if the alarm was acknowledged or disabled R Enum 14
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class