Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
vFunctionKey 412C FunctionKey No Help R/W Enum 2048
vDateFormat 412D DateFormat No Help R/W Enum 2048
vTimeFormat 412E Time Format No Help R/W Enum 2048
v_info_pswd 412F infoPW No Help R/W ASCII 2048
v_maint_pswd 1435 PWD Calibration Sets the Polytron Maintenance Password R/W ASCII 2048
v_config_pswd 1436 PWD Settings Sets the Polytron Configuration Password R/W ASCII 2048
dummy_bitfield 1425 R Unsigned 4096
vAlarmRelayOption 4133 Module Modul R Enum 2048
AlarmModule 4042 Module Indicates whether the alarm module is active or not R/W Enum 8
vA1LevelMax 4134 R Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class