Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rawvalue2 4079 Raw value2 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
rawvalue3 407A Raw value3 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
rawvalue4 407B Raw value4 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
rawvalue5 407C Raw value5 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
rawvalue6 407D Raw value6 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
rawvalue7 407E Raw value7 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
parameter_help_text_1 403D Additional help text for the parameter. R ASCII 2050
parameter_help_text_2 403E Additional help text for the parameter R ASCII 2050
num_of_const_minus_one 4052 No. of constants - 1 Number of constants R/W Integer 2048
calib_command_text 407F Command Calibration command text W Enum 2048
calib_command_status 4080 Status Calibration command status R ASCII 2048
new_StandardError 4081 Stnd Error New standard error R Float 2048
new_Correlation 4082 Correlation New Correlation R Float 2048
ucaCalibType 4083 Calib Type The calibration type used R ASCII 2048
device_status_present 4084 Device Status What is the status of the device. R Enum 2050
ucaPulpType 4085 Pulp Type The pulp type the selected Pre-defined calibration is intended for R ASCII 2048
IdxLanguage 4088 Language Index Index that points to the selected language. R/W Integer 2048
ucIdxUnit 4089 Unit Index Index that points to a specific engineering unit. R/W Integer 2048
ucIdxPreCalib 4087 PreCalib Index The index number of the selected Pre-defined calibration R/W Integer 2048
ucIdxAnaIn 408A AI Index Index that points to a specific Analog Input configuration. R/W Integer 2048
ucIdxDigIn 408B DI Index Index that points to a specific Digital Input configuration. R/W Integer 2048
ucIdxDigOut 408C DO Index Index that points to a specific Digital Output configuration. R/W Integer 2048
device_status_index 4059 Status Index Index that points to a specific device status text. R/W Integer 2048
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class