Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ucNumDecimals 4021 NumODec Number of Decimals in the Constant R ASCII 2048
channel 4022 Channel Selected channel, for which all displayed results and configuration changes are valid R/W Integer 2048
calib_set 4024 Calibration Set The selected Calibration Set, for which all configuration changes will apply to (not the same as the active Calibration Set) R/W Integer 2048
damping 4025 Damping Damping time, a time constant that can be set to stabilize the signal R/W Float 2048
offset 4026 Offset Offset adjustment of known error in the calibration R/W Float 2048
var_upr 4027 URV Upper measuring range value, represented by an output signal of 20 mA. R/W Float 2048
var_lwr 4028 LRV Lower measuring range value, represented by an output signal of 4 mA. R/W Float 2048
var_unit_code 4029 Unit Unit of variable R/W Enum 2048
var_alarm_selection 402A HART Alarm mode Defines the behaviour of the analog output when the transmitter has entered an unrecoverable error state. The following alarm modes are available: Hi: Sets and locks the analog output signal to approximately 22.5 mA, Lo: Sets and locks the analog output signal to approximately 3.3 mA, Hold last out valu: Locks the analog output signal to its present level, None: No action R/W Enum 2048
active_calib_set 4034 Active CalibSet Active Calibration Set R Integer 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class