Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
parametername 402B Parameter name The parameter name R ASCII 2048
parameter_value1 402C Value The parameter value R/W ASCII 2048
dummy 4040 dummy dummy W Integer 2048
rawvalueindex 4041 Raw Value Index The index number of the selected Raw value R/W Integer 2048
rawvalue_text 4044 Name and value of the selected Raw value R ASCII 2050
sample_index 4047 Sample number The number of the selected sample R/W Integer 2048
lab_sample_date 4049 Date The date the sample was taken R/W HartDate 2048
lab_sample_hour 404A Hour Hour indication of the sample time R/W Integer 2048
lab_sample_minute 404B Minute Minute indication of the sample time R/W Integer 2048
lab_sample_second 404C Second Second indication of the sample time R/W Integer 2048
active_channel 404F Active Activate a sample to be included in the next calibration (on), or deactivate an activated R/W Enum 2048
lab_channel_unitscode 4050 Unit code Lab channel unit code R/W Enum 2048
calc_value 404D Predicted Predicted sample value R/W Float 2048
lab_value 404E Lab Value Lab sample value R/W Float 2048
correlation 402D Correlation(R2) The correlation coefficient of the current calibration R/W Float 2048
standarderror 402E Standard Error The standard error of the current calibration R/W Float 2048
status 402F Status Status of lab calibration set R/W ASCII 2048
calib_type 4030 Type The calibration type of the current calibration R/W ASCII 2048
num_of_const 4031 No. of constants Number of calibration constants R/W Integer 2048
constant_index 4043 Constant index The index number of the selected constant R/W Integer 2048
calib_sample_no 4053 Sample no Select sample R/W Integer 2048
constant_name 4045 Constant Name of the selected constant R/W ASCII 2048
constant_value 4046 Value Value of the selected constant R/W Float 2048
diag_index 4054 Diag index The index number of the selected Diagnostic parameter R/W Integer 2048
diag_value_text 4055 Name and value od the selected diagnostic parameter R ASCII 2048
status_of_device 4057 A text string describing the status of the device. R ASCII 2050
alarm_index 405A Alarm Index Index that points to a specific alarm. R/W Integer 2048
alarm_unit_code 405C Unit Code Unit code to the alarm parameter. R/W Enum 2048
alarm_name 405D Alarm Name Name of a specific alarm. R/W ASCII 2048
alarm_upper_limit 405E Upper limit Upper limit of the alarm. R/W Float 2048
alarm_lower_limit 405F Lower limit Lower limit of the alarm. R/W Float 2048
alarm_latch 4060 Latch Alarm latch value. R/W Integer 2048
alarm_latch_unit_code 4061 Unit_code Alarm latch unit code. R/W Enum 2048
alarm_on 4062 Alarm Enabled Enabling or disabling of an alarm. R/W Enum 2048
warning_index 4065 Warning Index Index that points to a specific warning. R/W Integer 2048
warning_unit_code 4067 Unit Code Unit code to the warning parameter. R/W Enum 2048
warning_name 4068 Warning Name Name of a specific warning. R/W ASCII 2048
warning_upper_limit 4069 Upper limit Upper limit of the warning. R/W Float 2048
warning_lower_limit 406A Lower limit Lower limit of the warning. R/W Float 2048
warning_latch 406B Latch Warning latch value. R/W Integer 2048
warning_latch_unit_code 406C Unit_code Warning latch unit code. R/W Enum 2048
warning_on 406D Warning Enabled Enabling or disabling of an warning. R/W Enum 2048
event_command 4070 Select Event Used to step in the eventlog. R/W Enum 2048
event_text 4071 Event Descriptive text of an event. R ASCII 2048
event_date 4072 Date Date when the event occured. R HartDate 2048
event_hour 4073 Hour Hour when the event occured. R Integer 2048
event_minute 4074 Min Minute when the event occured. R Integer 2048
event_second 4075 Second Second when the event occured. R Integer 2048
event_type 4076 Event class Type of event. R Enum 2048
rawvalue1 4078 Raw value1 Raw value. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class