Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pv_PDQ 4001 pv PDQ Prozessdatenqualität- zeigt insgesamt die Prozessdatenqualität von dem Gerätevariablenwert an. R Enum 10
selprimaryClassificationCode 4002 Var Class The classification of the dynamic variable R Enum 8
pv_Family 4003 PV fmly Gerätefamilie- zeigt die Familie an (z.B. Druck, Temperatur, Durchfluss etc.), zu der die Gerätevariable gehört. R Enum 2048
pv_LS 4004 PV LS Limit Status- zeigt an, ob eine Gerätevariable begrenzt ist (z.B. antwortet nicht auf einen Prozess). R Enum 10
pv_Status 4005 PV Fmly stat Gerätefamilie- zeigt zusätzliche Statusinformationen von einer Gerätevariablen für eine speziell Gerätefamilie an. R BitEnum 10
daq_analog_channel_flags 4006 AN CH Number of analigue channels R Enum 8
sensor_serial_No 4008 SensorSerialNo Sensor Serial NO: Serial NO of sensor. R Unsigned 2048
selprimaryValue 4009 PV R Float 2
selprimaryUnits 400A Unit Einheit Feldgerätvariable- techn. Einheit, die mit dem digitalen Wert für min.Meßspanne, Meßende, Meßanfang, untere Meßbereichsgrenze und obere Meßbereichsgrenze angezeigt wird R Enum 0
selprimaryUSL 400B USL oberer Meßbereichsgrenzwert- definiert den max. nutzbaren Wert für das Meßende. R Float 2048
selprimaryLSL 400C LSL oberer Meßbereichsgrenzwert- definiert den max. nutzbaren Wert für das Meßende. R Float 2048
analog_output_jct 4000 analog out Minimalwert f. Meßspanne- definiert die kleinste zulässige Differenz zwischen Meßanfang und Meßende. R/W Float 2048
selprimaryMinimumSpan 400D MIN SPAN Minimalwert f. Meßspanne- definiert die kleinste zulässige Differenz zwischen Meßanfang und Meßende. R Float 2048
device_name 4010 DeviceName The instrument type name R ASCII 2048
num_channels 4011 NumOChannels The number of channels supported by the instrument. Each channel has its own configuration and is calibrated separately R Integer 2048
num_raw_values 4012 NumORawVal Number of Raw values used by the instrument to calculate the measured variables R Integer 2048
num_sens_config_params 4013 NumOConfigParam Number of sensor configuration parameters in the instrument R Integer 2048
num_alarms 4014 NumOAlarms Number of Alarms in the instrument R Integer 2048
num_warnings 4015 NumOWarnings Number of Warnings in the instrument R Integer 2048
num_diag_vars 4016 NumODiag Number of diagnostic parameters in the instrument R Integer 2048
have_real_time_clock 4017 RealTimeClock Indication of whether or not the instrument supports a real time system clock R Enum 2048
NumLanguages 4018 NumOLang Number of languages supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumCalibSets 4019 NumOCalibSets Number of calibration sets supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumUnits 401A NumOUnits Number of engineering units supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumPreCalibs 401B NumOPreCalibs Number of pre-defined calibrations supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumAnaIn 401C NumOAI Number of Analog Inputs supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumDigIn 401D NumODI Number of Digital Inputs supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumDigOut 401E NumODO Number of Digital Outputs supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
NumSamples 401F NumOSamples Number of Samples supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
ucNumDeviceStatus 4020 NumOStatus Number of Status texts supported by the instrument R Integer 2048
ucNumDecimals 4021 NumODec Number of Decimals in the Constant R ASCII 2048
channel 4022 Channel Selected channel, for which all displayed results and configuration changes are valid R/W Integer 2048
calib_set 4024 Calibration Set The selected Calibration Set, for which all configuration changes will apply to (not the same as the active Calibration Set) R/W Integer 2048
damping 4025 Damping Damping time, a time constant that can be set to stabilize the signal R/W Float 2048
offset 4026 Offset Offset adjustment of known error in the calibration R/W Float 2048
var_upr 4027 URV Upper measuring range value, represented by an output signal of 20 mA. R/W Float 2048
var_lwr 4028 LRV Lower measuring range value, represented by an output signal of 4 mA. R/W Float 2048
var_unit_code 4029 Unit Unit of variable R/W Enum 2048
var_alarm_selection 402A HART Alarm mode Defines the behaviour of the analog output when the transmitter has entered an unrecoverable error state. The following alarm modes are available: Hi: Sets and locks the analog output signal to approximately 22.5 mA, Lo: Sets and locks the analog output signal to approximately 3.3 mA, Hold last out valu: Locks the analog output signal to its present level, None: No action R/W Enum 2048
active_calib_set 4034 Active CalibSet Active Calibration Set R Integer 2050
dynamic_var_val 4033 Value The dynamic measuring value for the selected channel R Float 34
damping_value_factor 400F Damping value Value of the damping value R Float 34
percentofrange 4035 % of range The dynamic measuring value in relation to the Upper Measuring Range (URV) value R Float 34
var_current 4036 Analog out The dynamic analog output value from the transmitter for the selected channel R Float 34
rt_date 4037 RT date Transmitter system date in the format MM/DD/YYYY R/W HartDate 2048
rt_hour 4038 RT Hour Hour setting of the transmitter system clock R/W Integer 2048
rt_minute 4039 RT Minute Minute setting of the transmitter system clock R/W Integer 2048
rt_second 403A RT Sec Second setting of the transmitter system clock R/W Integer 2048
parameterindex 403B ParamIndex The index number of the selected parameter R/W Integer 2048
parameter_help_row 403F Param Help row The index to the parameter R/W Integer 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class