Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
position_value 4000 Position Refers to the actual valve position in terms of percent. R Float 10
open_time_data_value 4001 Open Time Refers to the open speed of the valve terms of time. R Unsigned 10
close_time_data_value 4002 Close Time Refers to the output close_time_data of OUT 1 of the IMVS in terms of percent. R Unsigned 10
open_time_data_units 4003 Op_time Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 8
position_units 4004 Position Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
close_time_data_units 4005 cl_time Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
sensor_units 4006 Sensor Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
range_units 4007 PV rnge unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
analog_alarm_code 4008 AO Alrm typ Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
input_analog_value 4009 Input I Refers to the requested position in terms of current in mA. R Float 66
output_analog_value 400A Transmit mA Refers to the actual valve position in terms of current in mA. R Float 66
damping_val 400B PV Damp Damping Value- Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of the respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 8
input_upper_value 400C FS In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open./ close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
input_lower_value 400D Zero In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open./ close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_upper_value 400E FS Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open./ close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_lower_value 400F Zero Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open./ close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
sensor_serial_number 4010 Sensor Serial Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R Unsigned 32
min_sensor_span 4011 Min_Sensor_Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 32
flow_type 4016 Flow Type The IMVS supports Linear, Quick Opening, and Equal Percentage flow types. R/W Enum 32
Active_Processes 4017 Processes Refers to the actual valve position in terms of percent. R Unsigned 3
CmdFlags 4018 Command flags Bit fields of mutually exclusive command bits. R/W Unsigned 3
Pst_process_Flags 4019 PST_Err R/W Enum 1025
Pst_res_1 401A R/W Integer 1025
Pst_aborted 401B Pst_Abort Pst_Abort R/W Enum 1025
Pst_never_activated 401C Never_activated Never_activated R/W Enum 1025
Pst_in_progress 401D PST in_progress Pst_in_progress R/W Enum 1025
Pst_cycle_time 401E PST cycle time Cycle_time exceed limit R/W Enum 1025
Pst_exceed_sp 401F PST exceed sp Setpoint exceed limit R/W Enum 1025
Pst_break_time 4020 PST break_time Valve exceed break time R/W Enum 1025
Pst_not_open 4021 PST CAN'T Perform Valve should open to do PST R/W Enum 1025
Pst_Success 4022 PST Finish PST finish without error R/W Enum 1025
reserved_1 4023 R/W Integer 1026
control_mode 2772 Control Mode Control the valve in either Discrete or Modulated mode. R/W Enum 1026
flop_mode 4024 DisplayMode Show %closed or %open on IMVS display. R/W Enum 1026
valve_type 4025 Valve Type IMVS can work with linear and rotary valves. R/W Enum 1026
actuator_type 4026 Actuator IMVS can work with single and double acting actuators. R/W Enum 1026
solenoid1_inv 4027 Solenoid1 IMVS can invert solenoid 1 input. R/W Enum 1026
solenoid2_inv 4028 Solenoid2 IMVS can invert solenoid 2 input. R/W Enum 1026
open_rotation 4029 Rotation IMVS can operate valve that rotates CW or CCW to open. R/W Enum 1026
cal_status 402A Position Calibration Status Denotes the status of position calibration once completed. R/W Unsigned 10
cal_percent_done 402B Position Calibration Process Status Denotes the process completion status of position calibration. R/W Unsigned 10
pst_status 402C PST Status: Denotes the status of last maintenance PST. R/W Enum 3
pst_percent_done 402D PST Process Status Denotes the process completion status of PST. R/W Unsigned 10
pst_set_point 402E PST SetPoint Set the limits for partial stroke. R/W Enum 10
pst_cycle_limit 402F PST Cyc Lim Set the limits for partial stroke counts. R/W Unsigned 10
pst_cycle_time_limit 4030 PST Time Lim Set the limits for partial stroke cycle time. R/W Unsigned 10
pst_enbl 4031 PST_Ctr PST can Enable and Disable. R/W Enum 1025
esd_enbl 4032 ESD_Ctr ESD can Enable and Disable. R/W Enum 1025
error_alert_enbl 4033 Error Alert When enabled, indicates there are software detected errors on IMVS, use XRb to view. R/W Enum 1025
alarm_alert_enbl 4034 Alarm Alert When enabled, indicates there are active alarms on IMVS, use XRb to view. R/W Enum 1025
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class