Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CmdFlags 4018 Command flags Bit fields of mutually exclusive command bits. R/W Unsigned 3
Pst_process_Flags 4019 PST_Err R/W Enum 1025
Pst_res_1 401A R/W Integer 1025
Pst_aborted 401B Pst_Abort Pst_Abort R/W Enum 1025
Pst_never_activated 401C Never_activated Never_activated R/W Enum 1025
Pst_in_progress 401D PST in_progress Pst_in_progress R/W Enum 1025
Pst_cycle_time 401E PST cycle time Cycle_time exceed limit R/W Enum 1025
Pst_exceed_sp 401F PST exceed sp Setpoint exceed limit R/W Enum 1025
Pst_break_time 4020 PST break_time Valve exceed break time R/W Enum 1025
Pst_not_open 4021 PST CAN'T Perform Valve should open to do PST R/W Enum 1025
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class