Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
reserved_enbl7 4035 R/W Enum 1025
reserved_enbl6 4036 R/W Enum 1025
reserved_enbl5 4037 R/W Enum 1025
esd_alert_enbl 4038 ESD Alert When enabled, the IMVS will signal alert signal when ESD is activated. R/W Enum 1025
pst_ct_alert_enbl 4039 PST Cyc Time Alert When enabled, the IMVS will signal alert signal when PST cycle time limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
pst_sp_alert_enbl 403A PST SetPt Alert When enabled, the IMVS will signal alert signal when PST Set point limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
pst_cycl_alert_enbl 403B PST Cyc Cnt Alert When enabled, the IMVS will signal alert signal when PST cycle limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
cycle_alert_enbl 403C Cycle Alert When enabled, the IMVS will signal alert signal when cycle limit is violated. R/W Enum 1025
cycle_count 403D Cycle Count Denotes the cycle count of the valve. R/W Unsigned 10
cycle_limit 403E Cycle Limit Denotes the cycle limit of the valve before the cycle alert is set. R/W Unsigned 10
Pst_set_point_data 403F PST SetPoint Partial Stroke set point value. R/W Unsigned 10
Pst_break_time_data 4040 BreakTime Valve Break away time. R Unsigned 10
Pst_cycle_time_data 4041 CycTime PST Cycle time. R Unsigned 10
Pst_cycle_count_data 4042 PST Cycle Count PST Cycle Count. R Unsigned 10
unique_device_type_code 07ED R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_model_code 07F5 R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_analytical_model_code 07F6 R/W Enum 4096
kayray_model_code 07F7 R/W Enum 4096
micro_motion_model_code 07F8 R/W Enum 4096
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
material_code 07EC R/W Enum 4096
alarm_selection_code 07EB R/W Enum 4096
write_protect_code 07EE R/W Enum 4096
company_identification_code 07EF R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class