名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
var_dd_fSensorValue 4000 Live Rate Display of Active unaveraged ReadIn rate.(Cps live) 浮点 2050
var_dd_fPV1 4003 PV Digital representation of measured process value(PV->Primary Variable). 读/写 浮点 10
var_dd_eDeviceStatus 4007 Device Status Represents the Status of the Field Device in accordance to NE107 Normal Valid output signal. Maintenance required(M) Still valid output signal. Out of specification(S) Signal out of specified range. Function check(C) Temporary non-valid output signal. Failure(F) Non-valid output signal. 枚举 10
var_dd_eCurrentLoopStatus 4008 Current AO Status Actual Current Loop Status 枚举 10
var_dd_eDataQuality 400B Data Quality 过程数据质量——表示设备变量值的整体过程数据质量。 枚举 10
var_dd_eLimitStatus 400C Limit Status 限制状态——表示设备变量是否被限制(即不响应过程)。 枚举 10
var_dd_beDeviceFamilyStatus 400D Family Status 设备类别状态——表示特定设备类别的设备变量的额外状态信息。 位枚举 10
var_dd_fDensitySuspension 400E Density Suspension 浮点 10
var_dd_fCpsZero 400F Io Rate 浮点 10
var_dd_eMeasurementStatus 4010 Measurement Status Display of actual measurement status. 枚举 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate1 4011 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate2 4012 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate3 4013 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate4 4014 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate5 4015 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate6 4016 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate7 4017 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate8 4018 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate9 4019 Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate10 401A Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_dd_fMeasPointRate11 401B Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. 浮点 10
var_ds_uiOperatingHours 401C Operating Hours Operating Hours- The counter value represents the accumulated release time of operation in hours 读/写 无符号 34
var_dd_dtActiveDate 401E Date Actual system date (mm/dd/yyyy). 读/写 HART日期 10
var_dd_ascActiveTime 401F Time Actual system time (hh:mm:ss). 读/写 ASCII 10
var_dd_eOperatingMode 4020 Operating Mode Displays actual System Operating Mode. 枚举 2051
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类