Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
quaternary_variable_code 1082 QV is Quaternary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Quaternary Variable dynamic variable R/W Index 128
var_dd_fPV2 4009 PV Digital representation of measured process value(PV->Primary Variable). R/W Float 10
var_dd_fPV3 400A PV Digital representation of measured process value(PV->Primary Variable). R/W Float 10
var_ds_fUpperTransducerLimitCal 42C0 Cal UL Calculated Upper Transducer Limit Value- Upper limit in which the calibration is valid, i.e. monotonic. R Float 2048
var_ds_fLowerTransducerLimitCal 42C1 Cal LL Calculated Lower Transducer Limit Value- Lower limit in which the calibration is valid, i.e. monotonic. R Float 2048
var_ds_fMeasAbsCoeff 42CE Abs.Coefficient Abs.Coefficient of slurry R Float 8
var_ls_ePVCodeEditBackup 42DA Meas Mode Selected measuring mode.Can be changed using Quick Start Wizard only. R/W Enum 4096
var_ds_eMeasMode 42DB Meas Mode Selected measuring mode.Can be changed using Quick Start Wizard only. R Enum 128
var_ds_eCalibrationMethodEdit 42CA Cal Method Selected calibration method.Can be changed using the Quick Start Wizard only. R/W Enum 8
var_ls_eCalibrationMethodEditBackup 42DC Cal Method Selected calibration method.Can be changed using the Quick Start Wizard only. R/W Enum 4096
var_ds_eCoeffSetByUserEdit 42CB Set by User Coefficients are set by User R/W Enum 8
var_ls_eDetectorCodeBackup 4364 Detector Type Select detector type. R/W Enum 4096
var_ls_dtCalibrationDateBackup 437C Cal Date Date of last calibration (mm/dd/yyyy). R/W HartDate 4096
var_ls_eNuclideEditBackup 437F Nuclide Select nuclide for decay compensation. R/W Enum 4096
var_ls_fBackgroundCal 4382 Background Enter backgound radiation count rate. R/W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class