Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_ds_eResetTempExtrema 4362 Temp Extrema Enable reset of detector temperature extrema R/W Enum 8
var_ds_eDetectorCode 4363 Detector Type Select detector type. R/W Enum 2048
var_ds_fHVManual 4365 HV Manual Display and setpoint of HV manual. R/W Float 2048
var_ds_fHVDefault 4366 HV Default Display and setpoint of HV default. R/W Float 2048
var_ds_uiPlateauHVStart 4367 HV Start Enter HV start value for plateau measurement beginning. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_ds_uiPlateauHVStop 4368 HV Stop Enter HV stop value for plateau measurement end. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_ds_uiPlateauHVIncrement 4369 HV Step Enter HV step width for plateau measurement step width. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_ds_uiPlateauMeasuringTime 436A Meas. Time Enter measuring time for each plateau measuring point. R/W Integer 2048
var_ds_uiPlateauTableRecNo 436B Plateau Records Plateau Records R Unsigned 2048
var_ds_dtPlateauTableDate 436C Plateau Date Plateau Date R HartDate 2048
var_ds_fPlateauHV 436D Plateau HV HV of Active displayed plateau table entry R Float 2048
var_ds_fPlateauCps 436E Plateau Impulses Impulses of Active displayed plateau table entry R Float 2048
var_ds_fErrorCurrent 436F Error Value Defines current value in case of error R/W Float 64
var_ds_eSupplyMode 4370 Supply Mode Defines if the current loop is supplied by internal or external supply voltage. (Internal Supply->Source Mode / External Supply->Sink Mode) R/W Enum 64
var_ds_ascIdentNr 4371 Ident No. Identification Number - Number that is used for identification purposes by Berthold Technologies R/W ASCII 64
var_ds_ascSerialNr 4372 Serial No. Serial Number - Number that is used for identification purposes by Berthold Technologies R/W ASCII 64
var_ds_fCurrentLowerLimit 4373 Lower Limit Enter lower limit for current output. According NE43 it is recommended to set Lower Limit value to 3.8mA R/W Float 64
var_ds_eFCheckCurrentMode 4374 Current Behaviour Enables or disables function check signaling by current value. R/W Enum 64
var_ds_fFCheckCurrentValue 4375 Current Value Enter function check current value. This value is set by field device in cases where function check codes are signaled. R/W Float 64
var_ds_fCurrentUpperLimit 4376 Upper Limit Enter upper limit for current output. According NE43 it is recommended to set Upper Limit value to 20.5mA R/W Float 64
var_ds_eDOTestValue 4377 Relay Relay Test Value R/W Enum 1024
var_ds_eDOMode 4378 Relay Mode Relay Mode R/W Enum 1024
var_ds_fCpsTestValue 4379 Pulse Rate R/W Float 8
var_ds_ascCalibrationTime 437A Cal Time Time of last calibration (hh:mm:ss). R ASCII 8
var_ds_dtCalibrationDate 437B Cal Date Date of last calibration (mm/dd/yyyy). R/W HartDate 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class