Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_ds_uiErrorCounterAcknowledge 4349 Event Log Index Active index of log entry. R Unsigned 2048
var_ds_uiErrorCounterDescriptor 434A Event Code Event Code of log entry. R Unsigned 2048
var_ds_uiErrorCounter 434B Event Code Event Code of log entry. R Unsigned 2048
var_ds_dtErrorCounterDate0 434C Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_dtErrorCounterDate1 434D Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_dtErrorCounterDate2 434E Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_dtErrorCounterDate3 434F Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_dtErrorCounterDate4 4350 Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterTime0 4351 Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterTime1 4352 Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterTime2 4353 Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterTime3 4354 Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterTime4 4355 Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorCounterHelp 4356 Description Description of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_uiErrorLogIndex 4357 Event Log Index Active index of log entry. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_ds_iErrorDescriptor 4358 Event Code Event Code of log entry. R Unsigned 2048
var_ds_dtErrorDate 4359 Date Occurence date of log entry. R HartDate 2048
var_ds_ascErrorTime 435A Time Occurence time of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_ascErrorHelp 435B Description Description of log entry. R ASCII 2048
var_ds_eBusAddressSource 435C Bus Address Source R/W Enum 2048
var_ds_uiBusAddress 435D Bus Address Enter Profibus address of device. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_ds_fTempTest 435E Detector Temp. Test Enter test value for detector temperature. R/W Float 2048
var_ds_fTempUpperLimit 435F Temp. Upper Limit Enter upper temperature limit of device. R/W Float 2048
var_ds_fTempLowerLimit 4360 Temp. Lower Limit Enter lower temperature limit of device. R/W Float 2048
var_ds_fTempHysteresis 4361 Hysteresis Enter hysteresis for device temperature limit. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class