Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_dd_fMeasPointRate11 401B Meas Rate Rate for adjustment of meas point. R Float 10
var_ds_uiOperatingHours 401C Operating Hours Operating Hours- The counter value represents the accumulated release time of operation in hours R/W Unsigned 34
var_dd_dtActiveDate 401E Date Actual system date (mm/dd/yyyy). R/W HartDate 10
var_dd_ascActiveTime 401F Time Actual system time (hh:mm:ss). R/W ASCII 10
var_dd_eOperatingMode 4020 Operating Mode Displays actual System Operating Mode. R Enum 2051
var_dd_uiInstructDescriptor 4021 Instruction Code R Enum 3
var_dd_uiErrorDescriptor 4022 Event Code Event Code which is actually signaled by the Field device. R Enum 3
var_dd_ucErrorToAcknowledge 4023 R Enum 8
var_dd_fDeviceTemperature 4024 Detector Temp. Actual detector temperature value. R Float 2050
var_dd_eTempMode 4025 Detector Temp. Mode Select detector temperature mode. Select 'Fix Value' for test. R/W Enum 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class