名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
indic_variable_first 4070 First Var.= First indication -the first of the two variables that are indicated in the local display. 读/写 枚举 256
indic_variable_second 4071 Second Var.= Second indication -the first of the two variables that are indicated in the local display. 读/写 枚举 256
chg_cnt_range 4074 LRV/URV Change counter range -counts the number of changes made to the range (Lower or upper value). 整型 2048
chg_cnt_function 4075 Function Change counter func- tion -counts the number of changes made to the transfer function. 整型 2048
chg_cnt_trim_4 4076 Trim 4mA Change counter, trim 4 mA -counts the number of trims made to the 4 mA point of the output current. 整型 2048
chg_cnt_trim_20 4077 Trim 20mA Change counter, trim 20 mA -counts the number of trims made to the 20 mA point of the output cur- rent. 整型 2048
chg_cnt_trim_lower 4078 Trim lower Change counter, trim lower -counts the number of trims made to the lower point of the pressure in- put (lower or zero trim). 整型 2048
chg_cnt_trim_upper 4079 Trim upper Change counter, trim upper -counts the number of trims made to the upper point of the pressure in- put. 整型 2048
chg_cnt_mode 407A XMTR/PID Change counter, mode -counts the number of changes made to the operation mode (transmitter / con- troller). 整型 2048
chg_cnt_characterization 407B Trim Char. Change counter, characterization -counts the number of trims made to the characterization of the pressure input. 整型 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类